Green energy is energy that can be produced without harming the natural environment. It is generated using natural, renewable resources, such as sunlight. Focused on affordable, accessible, green home energy solutions, GRECO is a well-established, reliable source of information for all your energy decisions, excited to be part of the green revolution.

GRECO has recently partnered with OpenAI to create GAIA, here to help you with anything you need during your switch to clean, green energy.

"The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it."
- Robert Swan
  • Next.js

    Next.js is a React framework used to create quick-loading, server-rendered websites.

  • Tailwind

    Tailwind is an amazing utility-first CSS framework allowing you to style rapidly and efficiently.

  • Framer Motion

    Framer Motion is a simple and powerful motion library for React.

  • OpenAI

    This website has a chatbot! GAIA was made using machine learning, possible through Inworld AI, built off OpenAI.

  • API

    Home Depot and News API were used for the products and news page, respectively.

About this Site

Using the latest frameworks and state-of-the-art technologies, including the implementation of AI, this highly responsive website demonstrates exemplary design skills and methodologies throughout. Enjoy!

Created by S. M. V. from Panther Creek HS, NC
TSA 2024