There are many types of green solutions.

There are 5 main types of green energy for you to explore for your home: solar, wind, geothermal, hydroelectric, and biomass. Information on each has been compiled below to aid in your decision as to what may be right for you.



Solar energy works by converting energy from the sun into power. There are two types of solar energy that can be used by homeowners: heat and electricity. Solar PV panels generate electricity, while solar thermal panels generate heat; installing solar PV panels helps offset most home energy needs, while solar thermal panels allow you to offset home heating energy. Average cost: $38,000 for a 10 kW system Average time to install: 2 days



Wind energy is created using a wind turbine, which channels wind power to create electricity. The blades of a turbine are attached to a rotor that spins to generate electricity. Before installing a small home wind system, you must keep in mind the amount of wind you receive as well as zoning requirements. For the average home using ~10,650 kW annually, a wind turbine in the range of 5-15 kW will be needed to make a significant contribution. Average cost: $60,000 for a 10 kW system Average time to install: Varies



Geothermal energy is heat energy from the Earth from hot water underground. For homeowners, geothermal heat pumps are the most common method of harnessing geothermal energy and can heat/cool the house as well as supply it with hot water, if so equipped. There are 4 types of geothermal pump systems: horizontal, vertical, pond/lake, and open-loop. For residential homes, a horizontal pumping system works best and is most cost-effective. Before installation, you must factor in how much land you have. Average cost: $25,000 for horizontal pumps Average time to install: 2 days



Hydroelectric power uses a dam to alter the flow of a river or other body of water. The water is then used to spin the blades of a turbine, generating electricity. If you have water flowing through your property, you might consider building a small hydropower - micro-hydropower -system. A micro-hydropower system can provide enough power for all home electricity needs and is a more affordable method of green energy. Average cost: $20,000 for a 10 kW system Average time to install: Varies



Biomass is renewable organic material from animals and plants. It can be directly burnt to produce heat, converted to produce fuel, or used to generate electricity through steam turbines. Decomposing biomass emits a methane-rich product called bio-gas, which can even be used in stoves to cook food; biomass stoves/boilers are a popular option for homeowners. Average cost: $21,000 for stove + boiler Average time to install: 1 day